Water Towers are everywhere but does anyone notice? They are common monuments in the towns and cities of the east coast of the U.S. Sometimes they shine, or rust or painted turquoise. Mostly they have rust and faded names on them while the power lines crisscross across our neighborhoods and tree lines, blending into the landscape, creating lines in our world.

When Hope is graffiti, 28×16”, $900.
Lucky Strike, 28 x 16”, $900.
It may look like I’m surrounded, but I’m surrounded by you, 36 x 25.5”, $1,800.
SOLD Heavy Like Gravity, 38 x 30”, $2,400.
Crow in Lines, 36x 21 1/2”, $1,500.
The Power Lines Are The Road Maps, 29 x 29″, $1,800.